Music - NEFFEX - As You Fade Away ⏳ [Copyright-Free]
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LOTRO, Lord Of The Rings, LOTR, BFME, Lordoftheringsonline, arkenstone, brandywine, crickhollow, evernight, gladden, landroval, laurelin, belegaer, gwaihir, sirannon, bullroarer, Pvp, Pvmp, Guardian, Hunter, Warden, Brawler, Captain, Cappy, RK, Rune Keeper, Mini, Ministrel, LM, Lore Master, Champion, Burg, Burglar, Champ, Bear, Beorn, Beorning, Spider, Wolf, warg, reaver, ba, black arrow, defiler, war, moors, ettenmoors, Legendary item, 2h, 1h, sword, dagger, halberd, arrow, bow, crossbow, shield, armour, class, EU, DE, FR, EN, RE, US, RP, Dwarrowdelf, eldar, elendilmir, firefoot, gilrain, imladris, meneldor, nimrodel, riddermark, silverlode, snowbourn, vilya, windfola, withywindle, anduin, maiar, morthond, Vanyar, estel, steed, craft, crafting, kin, kinship, roleplaying, housing, raid, instance, aom2, aom, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, world first, epic battle, skirmish, adventure, forum, event, cosmetic, j.r.r. tolkien, tolkien, aragorn, legolas, gimli, gandalf, sauron, gollum, bilbo, baggins, arwen, frodo, galadriel, balrog, nazgul, saruman, elrond, samwise, gamgee, eowyn, boromir, faramir, meriadoc, brandybuck, theoden, tom, bombadil, eomer, denethor, glorfindel, radagast, treebeard, peregrin, took, witch, king, shelob, isildur, celeborn, elendil, grima, dain, ironfoot, eldarion, anarion, gamling, varda, beregond, bergil, bolger, forlong, elledan, elrohir, harry, potter, theodwyn, folcwine, bergil, smaug, thorin, oakenshield, kili, fili, thranduil, tauriel, balin, gloin, dwalin, bombur, bard, azog, bolg, thror, thrain, nori, dori, oin, yazneg, bofur, lindir, fimbul, ori, bifur, mithrandir, feanor, melkor, luthien, fingolfin, nolofin, nolofinw, nolofinwe, eru, hurin, turin, turambar, balrog, azog, bolg, beren, manwe, maedhros, earendil, finrod, thingol, celebrimbor, varda, maglor, finwe, gil-galad, melian, aule, turgon, ulmo, yavanna, finarfin, glaurung, isildur, celegorm, curufin, tuor, maeglin, idril, cirdani, ecthelion, mordor, gondor, minas, trith, osqiliath, morgul, u19, u20, u21, u21.2, u21.3, u23, u24, u25, u26, u27, u28, u29, u30, u31, u32, u33, u34, rohan, gundabad, daily, weekly, helms deep, bree, shire, spar, 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, 3v3, 3vs1, 6v6, 5v5, best, one shoot, star, anfalas, trait, build, guide, red, yellow, blue, fire, dark, orc, troll, goblin, virtue, stat, tome, aria of valar, isengard, legacy, turbine, standing stone games, amazon, evendim, pk, pc, movie, vs, quest, lp, tp, pet, dps, tank, agro, gambit, spear, jawelin, rune, main, threat, combat, man, hobbit, wizard, elf, high elf, dwarf, kill, death, ghost, soul, 105, 115, 120, lvl, level, cap, vitality, might, agility, will, fate, mastery, tactical, damage, critical, physical, update, defence, block, evade, parry, finesse, resistance, heal, healing, light, medium, heavy, points, freep, creep, buff, debuff, reputation, rating, renown, glory, infamy, monster, deed, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 , 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, iron hills, grey mountains, knight, CoS, Seregost, Thrang, Summer, Winter, Abyss, server, solo, duo, trio, dragon, army, box, token, barter, ah, tier, Best Captain, Staut-Axe, Remmorchant, Sword, race, gender, change, Morgul, New, Solo, Duo, Group, Raid, farm, shard, essence, gear, set, axe, sword, nologin, nolomir, noloriel, nolo, nologim, nolorin, nolonir, noloril, noloien, nologil, Arannur, Aran, Aranx, Aranat,Anorblade,Anorshot,Anorcappy,Glera,Anorbeorn
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