Ellery Queen, which was introduced on CBS Radio as The Adventures of Ellery Queen, was a detective series that featured Hugh Marlowe as the title character. The show was originally a replacement for the Screen Guild Theater, which was a popular anthology series. It was broadcast on three radio stations, starting on CBS Radio from June 18, 1939 to September 22, 1940, then on NBC Radio from 1942 to 1944, back to CBS radio from 1945 to 1947, and finally on ABC Radio on 1947-1948. The basic format of the show was that, a mystery would be presented, then the guest celebrities would try to solve it.
Much to the CBS executives' surprise, the show was such a huge hit among many listeners. In fact, on October 8, 1939, at the show's "The Mother Goose Murders" episode, the station suddenly went off air, and got back with only 9 minutes left for the show, causing a lot of listeners to call and complain. Knowing that the show was really popular, Ellery Queen remained on air for 8 seasons. Also included is Ellery Queen's Minute Mysteries.
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