Samsung also announced One UI 4.0 Beta based on Android 12 for its Galaxy S21 lineup. The One UI 4 Beta program officially kicks off starting today in the U.S. for the Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+, and Galaxy S21 Ultra and will also be available to users in China, India, Germany, Poland, South Korea, and the UK in the coming days. Here are some of the best features of Samsung One UI 4.0 Beta .
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#ONEUI4 #technobuzznet #RajeshRajput
one ui 4.0 features,one ui 4.0,android 12,samsung,Samsung,OneUI,OneUI 4.0,One UI 4,OneUI 4,samsung one ui 4.0 android 12,one ui 4.0 beta,one ui 4.0 android 12
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