We show in this video how to prepare the graft Descemet Membrane (DM) in order to perform Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) surgery. Although the eye bank may prepare the donor tissue, sometimes the surgeon must prepare and harvest the DM himself. Choosing the right size for the donor punch by measuring the patient's white-to-white diameter before the surgery is essential.
0:00 Intro
0:13 Using the vacuum punch
0:24 Staining with Trypan blue
0:38 First trephination 9.5 mm
0:57 Second trephination 8.0 mm
1:23 Peripheral DM scoring and dissection
2:44 Peripheral tags removal using forceps
3:12 DM graft peeling
4:36 loading the harvested DM into a glass tube.
DMEK, graft preparation, donor preparation, Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty, preloaded DMEK, Deszemet, Descemet Membrane stripping, Descemet Membrane peeling, Corneal transplantation, Hornhaut, cornea, Cornea surgery, Hornhaupttransplantation, Hornhauptchirurgie, eye surgery, ophthalmology, dr. med. (Univ. Bud.) Matthias Gerl, dmek tips, hornhauttransplantation op
#DMEK #graft_preparation #corneal_transplantation #cornea #ophthalmology
DMEK Graft Preparation
DMEKgraft preparationdonor preparationDescemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplastypreloaded DMEKDeszemetDescemet Membrane strippingDescemet Membrane peelingCorneal transplantationHornhautcorneaCornea surgeryHornhaupttransplantationHornhauptchirurgieeye surgeryophthalmologydr. med. (Univ. Bud.) Matthias Gerldmek tipshornhauttransplantation op