Es el fin de un clan que ha saqueado en Aragón a una treintena de ancianos mediante el método del abrazo amoroso. Los ladrones abordaban a personas mayores y les abrazaban alegando ser conocidos del barrio o de la familia. Otro robo a mayores que ha llamado la atención estos días ha sido uno en Girona. Una mujer acudía a una tienda de empeños a vender unas joyas. Mientras registra los contratos de compra y venta en la base de datos, se da cuenta de que varias joyas tienen un nombre grabado que no se corresponde al que figura en los contratos de venta. Los Mossos se desplazaron hasta la tienda y solicitaron los datos de la vendedora ilegítima. Una joven 29 años había estado robando a la anciana de 90 a la que cuidaba: un botín de 1.730 euros entre pendientes, colgantes, anillos y collares.
It is the end of a clan that has plundered thirty elderly people in Aragon using the loving embrace method. The thieves approached older people and hugged them claiming to be acquaintances from the neighborhood or from the family. Another robbery of the elderly that has attracted attention these days has been one in Girona. A woman went to a pawn shop to sell some jewelry. As she records the purchase and sale contracts in the database, she notices that several pieces of jewelry have a name engraved that doesn't match the one on the sales contracts. The Mossos went to the store and requested the information of the illegitimate seller. A 29-year-old girl had been robbing the 90-year-old woman she was taking care of: a loot of 1,730 euros between earrings, pendants, rings and necklaces.
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