Hideout is a Short Survival Horror series about Seiichi plotting to kill his wife after losing his job and son, but while he chases after her, they enter a cave with an unexpected monster lurking in the shadows. The series while short deals with some incredibly dark themes that you need to read!!
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Sound effects:
- Distored Room: [ Ссылка ]
Background Music:
- Muciojad Distorion: [ Ссылка ]
- Minecraft Deep Dark Music: [ Ссылка ]
- Yume Nikki OST Dark Water: [ Ссылка ]
- falling forever floating: [ Ссылка ]
- Doki Doki Just Monika: [ Ссылка ]
- Fluid Dynamics: [ Ссылка ]
- Intro: 0:00
- Wicked Eyes: 1:16
- Discord Server: 8:04
- Help Me: 8:28
- Outro: 17:12
- Grimace Part 2: The Most Twisted Horror Manga Takes a Disturbing Turn!!: [ Ссылка ]
- Gannibal: The Most Twisted Cannibal Horror Series You've Never Heard!!: [ Ссылка ]
- Starving Anonymous: The Most Disturbing Dystopian Horror Manga You Need to Read!!: [ Ссылка ]
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Hideout: The Darkest Horror Series You Need to Read!!
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