Marvel's Spider-Man 2, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, is the latest installment in the acclaimed action-adventure series. Released exclusively for PlayStation 5 on October 20, 2023, the game continues the adventures of Peter Parker and Miles Morales as they confront formidable adversaries, including Venom and Kraven the Hunter.
PART 1 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 2 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 3 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 4 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 5 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 6 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 7 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 8 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 9 : [ Ссылка ]
PART 10 : [ Ссылка ]
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