8–9 JUNE 2023
The Treaty of Berlin, signed at the end of the 1877–1878 Ottoman–Russian War, also known as the 93 War, was one of the turning points for the integrity of the Ottoman Empire and the future of Muslim and non-Muslim elements. With this treaty, the situation of the Armenians under the Ottoman Empire was opened to discussion, and the armed Armenian separatist movement and terror that emerged in this process became a serious threat. In the following period, internal revolts, terrorist movements, and the protection and interventions of the great powers of the period, which deeply shook the security and public order situation and the lives of the civilian population, led to occupation, atrocities, and destruction, starting from before the First World War, including the Armistice period. This painful period ended with the liberation of the homeland through our National Struggle.
Although the Armenian massacres against the Muslim population were partially brought under control with the extraordinary measures taken during the First World War, countless innocent people lost their lives in the attacks of the Armenian gangs formed and supported by the invading states, and a significant part of the population had to take shelter in different regions. In this context, the riots caused by the Armenian committees and their gangs and the massacres against the civilian population will be discussed on the example of the Eastern Provinces. It is aimed to discuss the recent history of the region by organizing a symposium where Eastern Anatolia will be saved from occupation and invasion and the intense diplomacy process will be evaluated.
The aforementioned symposium titled “From the Ottoman-Russian War (1877–1878) to the National Struggle: Eastern Anatolia Occupation, Atrocities, and Liberation", which will be organized by Turkish Historical Society and hosted by Kafkas University, will take place on June 8, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
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