We're taking a special look at a new Boucher, Eastman instruments, & more!
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New Guitar Thursday is a show where we play incredible instruments, show new arrivals, and much more!
#eastmanguitars #eastmanunboxing #guitarpodcast #guitarlivestream #musiclivestream #neweastmaninstruments
New Guitar Thursday 5-11-23 Part 2!
the acoustic shoppebourgeois guitarnew guitar thursdayone of a kind guitarscustom acoustic guitarscustom bourgeois guitarboucher studio goosenew acoustic guitarseastman guitarsnew eastman guitarseastman guitars for saleeastman mandolinsnew eastman mandolinsnew deering banjosnew boucher guitarboucher jp cormier signatureboucher jp cormierboucher guitars jp cormiereastman ac922bourgeois touchstone countryboybourgeois mandolin