Steve Adubato goes one-on-one with Lidia Bastianich, Author of “My American Dream: A Life of Love, Family and Food,” to hear about her life immigrating to America, growing up in NJ and NYC, the challenges of being a pioneer female restaurateur and the importance of her family.
Steve Adubato goes one-on-one with Broadway veteran, Ariana DeBose, starring as Disco Donna in the new hit, SUMMER: THE DONNA SUMMER MUSICAL.
Steve Adubato goes on-location to the NJ Sharing Network 30th Anniversary Gala to speak with Joe Roth, President and CEO of the NJ Sharing Network, about the future of organ and tissue donation in New Jersey.
Lidia Bastianich; Ariana Debose; Joe Roth
Lidia BastianichAuthorMy American Dream: A Life of LoveFamilyand FoodimmigratingAmericaNew JerseyNew YorkchildhoodpioneerfemalerestaurateurfamilyAriana DeBoseDisco DonnabroadwaySUMMER: THE DONNA SUMMER MUSICALmusicalmusicianDonna SummerJoe RothNJ Sharing Network 30th Anniversary GalaNJ Sharing Networktissue donationorgan donationorgan donor