This is directly targeted to your bone marrow, the intention here is to create a very solid effect of healing and regeneration.
It will compress Fa Jin Gong Healing energy into the marrow throughout your body.
See video for more explanations and even comments.
(From Video; This is a unique creation which incorporates elements of Fa jin, fajin or fa chin (fājìn, 發勁), sometimes misspelled as fajing, is a term used in some Chinese martial arts, particularly the neijia (internal) martial arts, such as xingyiquan, t’ai chi ch’uan (taijiquan), baguazhang, bak mei, and bajiquan. It means to issue or discharge power explosively (wikipeadia)
and an electrically charged version of chi to produce a very unique creation designed to work in healing/charging/cultivating way of healing. )
The DNA repair system field set, targeted to marrow.
(From Video; This intention behind this and the work is meant to provide a signal that switches on 5 major repair pathways involved in the repair of DNA damage; homologous recombination, nonhomologous end joining, nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, and mismatch repair.
Meant to initiate a deeper all-round repair for things at that level and also provides a deeper energetic renewing of life force.
Use your discretion and be careful as always.
It is presented as is, lifelong inherited genetic problems may seem a natural ‘part’ of your system so there won't be a reversion, as such a state never existed.
Which means that, this repair system, will repair generally to match the system you were born with.
inherited problems may be harder to change, as there is no pre-existing state, without the problems (if you were born like this)
Now, this is speculation due to how these repair systems work in the body, with their error checking etc.
It may very well heal genetic inheritance, but this is presented here to work on general buildup of errors that occur because of our habits and environment.
Because it is not guaranteed to work on inherited problems.
The mechanisms used here are similar for a wide variety of life.
So, you can use this for pets, and even random interested alien visitors.)
added also is a bit of mitochondrial uncoupling, to help use/burn the collected fat in the marrow, providing a high ratio of red marrow, or rather highly charged/energized red marrow, with corrected errors.
The nutrient and blood flow to marrow is also enhanced during this process.
This leads to a lot of very prolife effects and regeneration and easier bone movement.
Use 2 to 3 times every other day.
It's not meant to be used to often after about a week or two as a simple maintenance would be all that is needed after.
Credit**Sapien medicine
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