"Sahara" (1943) is a classic American action war film directed by Zoltán Korda, featuring Humphrey Bogart as an American tank commander. The film is inspired by Philip MacDonald’s novel "Patrol" and adapted by James O'Hanlon, with the screenplay by John Howard Lawson and Korda himself. Set during the Western Desert Campaign of World War II, it follows the tank commander and a small group of Allied soldiers who must defend a group of survivors and a vital water well from the advancing German Afrika Korps battalion. The film explores themes of camaraderie, survival, and the harsh realities of war. The movie also stars Bruce Bennett and Carrol Naish.
Trivia: "Sahara" (1943) received three Academy Awards nominations, namely Best Supporting Actor (J. Carrol Naish), Best Cinematography (Rudolph Maté), and Best Sound (John Livadary).
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