From a series of radio programs titled "A Note to You", originally broadcast on WGBH-FM, Boston, and hosted by Virginia Eskin. This program is devoted to Langston Hughes, and was originally broadcast on or around June 18, 2000. Virginia Eskin's guests on the program are Rawn Spearman and Bruce Ronkin. Musical and literary works discussed include:
Ask your mama, 12 moods for jazz, 1. Cultural exchange, 2. Ride red ride, 3. Shades of Pigmeat, 4. Ode to Dinah, 5. Blues in stereo, 6. Horn of plenty, 7. Gospel cha-cha, 8. Is it true?, 9. Ask your mama, 10. Bird in orbit, 11. Jazztet muted, 12. Show fare please,
Margaret Bonds, The Negro speaks of rivers
Homesick blues,
Dream boogie,
Weary blues
Virginia Eskin’s website is accessible at [ Ссылка ] and some of her recordings are available at [ Ссылка ]
The opening theme for ‘A Note to You’ is from Menotti’s Piano Concerto in F Major (1945): [ Ссылка ] ANTY L
Virginia Eskin with 'A Note to You': Langston Hughes
langston hughesrawn spearmanvirginia eskinbruce ronkinask your mamaa note to youAsk your mama12 moods for jazz1. Cultural exchange2. Ride red ride3. Shades of Pigmeat4. Ode to Dinah5. Blues in stereo6. Horn of plenty7. Gospel cha-cha8. Is it true?9. Ask your mama10. Bird in orbit11. Jazztet muted12. Show fare pleaseMargaret BondsThe Negro speaks of rivers Homesick bluesDream boogieWeary blues