This was an old host from a laser I bought from Trin Hong Phock (check him out on a while back that had a 405nm sharp diode in it that unfortunately got destroyed due to my own carelessness. Today though I assembled a 445nm module, threw it in the host, tightened the set screw, and carefully made solid connections between the battery contact board to the most ghetto side click switch I could've put together in five minutes, and that to the leads at the end of the module. It's a case negative laser and runs on two 14500 cells. The module itself took a little bit of soldering, but the overall build I made basically spring contacted with foam shoved into gaps to keep everything snug and to keep the components from touching the internal sides of the host which causes short circuiting. It's definitely not an internally advanced electronic device by any means, but it is however set up to easily put another module of the same size in without having to make adjustments. So if/when my diode dies, I can just solder a new diode to an appropriate driver and replace the dead diode & driver in the module with the new one. And if I opt for a lower voltage set up, I have a battery spacer so I can run the laser with one 14500 cell instead of two. Sometimes it takes trying the more simple methods to truly appreciate what they can result in 🙂 thanks for watching!
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