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In our country , Oak Boletus, Reticulated Boletus, Summer Boletus.
Around the world Summer cep (English), Cèpe d'été (French), Sommer-Steinpilz (German), Borovik chachatyy (Russian).
Hat Up to 20 cm in diameter. Hemispherical, then convex, plano-convex or flat. Almost dry or sometimes slightly moist, especially on older fruiting bodies and in wet weather. Usually finely to coarsely cracked. Colored almost uniformly in one color, light brown to brown, sometimes discolored to ochre, greyish-ochre, or almost entirely white. Does not turn blue when scratched.
Tubes White at first, then cream, pale yellow to yellow with an olive green tone. They do not change color when exposed to air. The pores are the same colors and also do not change color when scratched.
Stump Owl-shaped or cylindrical. Almost the same color as the hat, completely covered with fine mesh.
Flesh White, sometimes with brownish spots at the base of the stump. Does not change color when exposed to air. Odor and taste indeterminate.
Spores Spores are 11.5–19.5 × 3.5–5.5 μm in size.
Habitat Deciduous or mixed forests, forms a mycorrhiza with various deciduous trees - oaks ( Quercus ), beech ( Fagus ), chestnut ( Castanea ), hazel ( Corylus ), hornbeam ( Carpinus ) or linden ( Tilia ). A widespread species in Europe, probably more common in the south.
Author of the description B. Asyov (in English). The text was translated by P. Nedelev. The original version and additional photos can be found on the boletus mushroom website .
Comment on A good edible mushroom. ( Sources : #5,6,7,8,9,10,12) Fruits from late spring to fall (VX). Widespread in lowland and mountain deciduous forests. Perhaps the most fruitful mushroom in Bulgaria.
Similar species The oak boletus is easily recognized by the cap with its characteristic cracked surface and uniform brown color. However, it can be mistaken for other edible mushrooms with flesh that does not change color. In many of the forests where the Oak is found, the Bronze Boletus ( Boletus aereus ) also grows. This mushroom has a darker brown to almost black cap. The common boletus ( Boletus edulis ) has a lighter cap, especially around the periphery. The pine boletus ( Boletus pinophilus ) typically grows at high elevations in coniferous and beech forests and has a red-brown to wine-colored cap.
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