"Nostalgic Nippon V2" is a soothing collection of smooth, jazzy, and chill beats to accompany your study sessions, work, or relaxation. Let the mellow sounds guide you through quiet hours... ₊˚.⋆☾⁺₊
Quiet Hours ~
Inspired by the enchanting world of vintage Japanese posters, magazines and match boxes.
#lofi #chillbeats #instrumental #beats #lofibeats #lofi #lofihiphop #lofihiphopbeat #lofihiphopbeats #chilllofi #chilllofihiphop #chilllofimusic #lofimusicwithoutlyrics #lofimusicforsleep #lofimusicforstudying #studylofi #studylofimusic #lofihiphopmix #lofihiphopmixtape #lofimixtape #musicforstudying #lofiforstudy #retrolofi #chillhop #citypopbeats #ジャズ #音楽 #勉強 #リラックス #音乐 #爵士乐 #放松 #relaxar #música #estudar #relaxamento #relajación #música #estudiar #موسيقى الجاز #موسيقى #دراسة #استرخاء #برد #музыка #учеба #релакс #расслабление
#musique #étudier #Musik #lernen #entspannen #entspannen
#재즈 #음악 #로피 #휴식 #진정 #공부 #음악공부 #카페
#기분 #전환 #khen #học
#âm nhạc học tập #âm nhạc thư giãn #nhạc thư giãn thư Though we use Music created with the help of AI we would love for creators and musicians to reach out to us and share their music, we will happily share music and credit fully to artists all necessary details.
Nostalgic Nippon V2
lofichillbeatslofihiphoplofihiphopbeatchilllofimusiclofimusicwithoutlyricslofimusicforsleeplofimusicforstudyingstudylofistudylofimusiclofihiphopmixlofihiphopmixtapelofimixtapemusicforstudyinglofiforstudyretrolofichillhopcitypopbeatsジャズ音楽勉強リラックス音乐爵士乐放松relaxarmúsicaestudarrelaxamentorelajaciónestudiarموسيقى الجازموسيقى الجازموسيقىدراسةاسترخاءبردмузыкаучебарелаксрасслаблениеmusiqueétudierMusiklernenentspannen재즈음악로피휴식진정공부음악공부카페기분전환