When playing csgo avoid doing the mistake these guys did when they pushed mid. They almost perfectly lined up for me to just hold left mouse button and get that double.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is an award winning FPS made by Valve Software. CS:GO is a competitive game with both teams having 5 players each. A so called 5v5 match. CS:GO is currently the most played game on Steam. CS:GO is a huge e-sport with large majors being played every year with huge prize pools. Some of the best CS:GO teams in the world are Na'Vi, Astralis, Vitality, NiP, fnatic and Faze Clan. A main part of CS:GO is the Skins and Case Openings. I post Shorts for the fun of it. It can be amazing plays, epic fails or just Funny CS GO Moments. With a few how to videos sometimes as well. csgo have stood the test of time and I think it's the greatest game ever created. Just think that it started as a mod for Half-Life. CSGO will continue to exist for many years to come.
How NOT to push mid on Dust2 in CS:GO #Shorts
CSGOcs goCS:GOCounter-StrikeCounter-Strike:Global Offensivecounter strikesvettiscounter strike global offensiveFunnyEpic MomentMemeNa'ViAstralisVitalityNiPfnaticFaze ClanMajorgameplaywinnoobproHSskillno skillglobal eliteLMGDMGGold NovaSilverMatchmakingShortsCSGO Funny Momentsblast premiercsgo 2021cslmaolaughingfunny momentcsgo funniest momentscsgo highlightsjust for funshortscs go gameplayhow tocsgo tips