ninjaman vs captain barkey,wickerman & merciless.the duo of captain barkey and wickerman never skip a beat when it comes to a stageshow performance and in this video this was no this one they've upped the ante where they're showing their versatility as dancehall artiste with some clash lyrics while entertaining the masses.ninjaman,as many in dancehall knows as a hard-core deejay,but very jovial and he's egging on the dancehall duo in a clash while he himself is entertaining the crowd and tries to counter every lyrics uttered by the duo.the excitement of this clash also brought out the warring don from clarendon Merciless who also had a one v one with ninjaman where they playfully went at each other to the delight of the patrons #captainbarkey&wickerman#ninjaman#merciless#ontoragerecords&entertainment#clash#entertainment#stageshow#versatility#dancehall#vintage
Dancehall artisteDancehall clashesDancehall duoDancehall feudsDancehall greatsDancehall newsMerciless 2022Merciless clashesMerciless newsMerciless updateNinjaman 2022Ninjaman clashNinjaman updateWicker mancaptain barkeydancehalldancehall mix 2022jamaicajamaica newsjamaica news todaymerciless songsnews from jamaicanews in jamaica todaysound clashtelevision jamaica