Osap Irb Result Date | Osap Irb physical Date | Osap Irb Cutoff Mark | Osap Irb Percentile Score
The Odisha Special Armed Police (OSAP) IRB Constable Recruitment Physical Test includes a Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and a Physical Efficiency Test:
Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
This qualifying test assesses candidates based on minimum physical standards, including height, weight, and chest measurements. Candidates who fail to meet these standards are disqualified.
Physical Efficiency Test
Candidates who qualify in the PMT are allowed to participate in the Physical Efficiency Test. Failure to qualify in any of the events in this test also leads to disqualification.
Here are some of the events in the Physical Efficiency Test:
Running 16 km in 8 minutes
Cross Country 8 km in 50 minutes
Broad Jump 3.66 meters
High Jump 1.22 meters
Cycling 16 km in 4 minutes
Rope climbing
Candidates who have Sports/Athletic Certificates may be awarded marks.
Osap Irb physical date
Osap Irb physical results
Osap Irb final results
Osap Irb cutoff Mark
Osap Irb answer key
Osap Irb results
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