Batman Arkham Origins Gameplay Walkthrough Part 11. Batman Arkham Origins 100% 2013 PS3 PSN Xbox 360 XBLA Wii U PC Full Game - Walkthrough Gameplay Lets play Playthrough Campaign Story Mode Part 2 (North Gotham - Penguin's Arm Dealer) "English" "Eng" "Dubbed" "Dub" "Sub" "Subbed" HD 720p 1080p No Without W/ Out Commentary
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These are the list of objectives that must be completed in order to progress in the game.
locate black mask
track down the penguin
interrogate penguin's arms dealer
deactivate the jamming signal
gain Access to the "final offer"
defeat electrocutioner
solve the crime scene inside lacey towers
gain access to the gcpd via the rooftop
escape the gcpd
access the gcpd servers
uplink the national criminal database to batcomputer
access the sewers beneath gcpd
apprehend the joker
investigate the steel mill
reach the antidote drop point
acquire electrocutioner's signature
gain access to gotham royal hotel
gain access to the penthouse
locate the tracker placed on bane
scan the corpse in the gcpd morgue
apprehend firefly at pioneers bridge
locate firefly's bombs
disarm the bomb in the train station
disarm the bomb at the north pillar
locate alfred
stop the joker
gain access to blackgate prison via sewers
"Slade" as "Batman"
"Killer Croc"
"Gotham City"
"Convertry GCR Tower"
"South Gotham "
"North Gotham"
"Sewers - Water Treatment"
"Gotham merchants bank"
"Drug Lab"
"Royal Hotel"
"West Tower Facade"
"East Tower Facade"
"Blackgate Prison"
"Burnley Sewers"
Available Difficulties:
"easy" "normal" "hard" "new game plus" "i am the night" "challenge mode"
This walkthrough will covers:
"All Cutscenes", "Ending", "End", "Ending Cutscene", "Opening", "Intro", "Cutscene", "Trophies", "Hidden Trophies", "All Characters", "Boss Fights", "Boss Battles", "Final Boss" "Secrets", "After Credits", "Epilogue", "Alternate Ending", "All Bosses", "Engima Progress","Anakrky Progress","Penguin Arms Cache Progress,"Black Mask Drug Stash Progress","Mad Hatter Progress","Bird Progress","All character trophies","All Dark Knight Challenges","Shadow Vigilante","Gotham Protector","Worst Nightmare Challenges 15/15","Enigma Datapacks","All Extortion File"
Batman Arkham Origins Story Mode Walkthrough Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Story Mode Let's Play Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Story Mode Lets Play Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Story Mode Gameplay Part 11
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Batman Arkham Origins Gameplay Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Playthrough Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Let's Play Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Part 11
Batman Arkham Origins Ending
Batman Arkham Origins End
Batman Arkham Origins Let's Play part 11
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