If you’re a big steak lover, you will likely often get the same cut of steak and always cook it the same way. You may even have a perfect seasoning combo that you always put on your steak, but it never hurts to try something new. In fact, you may be making some common mistakes when eating steak that you’re not even aware of. Did you know there is a proper etiquette involving the gristle, or that you should never cut all the steak up at once? Let’s take a look at the biggest mistakes you’re making while eating steak.
#Steak #Food #Mistakes
Utilize those utensils | 0:00
The wrong wine | 1:09
'Tis the season(ing) | 2:07
Getting saucy | 3:04
Against the grain | 3:54
Cutting the fat | 4:45
Wash your hands | 5:32
Going cold | 6:09
Leftovers | 6:55
Giving the dog a bone | 7:37
The topping experiment | 8:23
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The Biggest Mistakes You Make When Eating Steak
mashedmashed foodsteaksfoodfood mistakesbad stakeswinewrong winefatfatty steakscoldcold foodcold steakcold meatwash handsdirty handssaucessaucy steakseasoningseasoning steaksleftoverfood leftoversleftover foodtoppingstopping experimentcutting fatagainst grainutensilsutilizing utensilsgood winebad winesteaks winewine and steakdogdog boneboneleftover steakcutting streakfatty food