India Voice Fest, produced and organized by Sugar Mediaz, is India's first dedicated platform for the Voice Industry.
A Conference and Awards event, India Voice Fest is conceived by leading Voice Artiste Darrpan Mehta as a festival that celebrates the craft of voice acting and the Indian voice industry.
Started in 2018, the event brings together under one roof, thousands of Voice over and Dubbing talents and Industry professionals from all over India and is a perfect platform for networking, learning and celebrating excellence in voice acting.
Aditya Mathur shares his love for India Voice Fest
India Voice FestVoice FestSugar MediazSugar MediaDarrpan MehtaDarpanVoice conferenceVoiceover artisteindia voice overhindi voice overenglish voice overDubbingAnimationcartoon dubbinghindi dubbingtamil dubbingtelugu dubbingmalayalam dubbingkannada dubbingnetflix dubbingamazon prime dubbingaudio bookshindi audio bookpodcastindian podcastnarrationnarratorvoice workshopvoiceover trainingdubbing workshopdubbing course