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This is an audio recording of the Planning Applications Committee Meeting for Dumfries and Galloway Council from 27 November 2013.
List of agenda items and times:
1. 10.30am: Sederunt and Apologies
2. 10.30am: Declarations of interest
3. 10.31am: Minute of meeting of 23 October 2013
4. 10.34am: Port Logan Inn, Port Logan - planning application for alterations and extension to hotel (13/P/1/0175)
5. 10.56am: Blackwoodridge, Eaglesfield, Lockerbie - planning application for the erection of a dwellinghouse (13/P/4/0293)
6. 11.13am: Garroch roundabout, A75/ the Glen, Dumfries - planning application for the formation of a new access to Garroch Farm, enlargement of A75 Garroch roundabout and realignment of Glen Road (13/P/3/0416)
7. 12.22pm: White Hill, Aucherncairn forest, Dumfries - planning application for variation of condition 2 (limiting duration of permission to 4 years) of planning permission P/PPA170 (07/P/3/0740) to retain wind monitoring mast for a further period of 2 years (13/P/3/0350)
8. 1.15pm: Knowe Farm, Kirkconnel, Sanquhar - listed building consent application for installation of 22 UPVC replacement windows for a temporary period of 20 years (late listed building consent) (13/P/3/0394)
9. 1.30pm: Wallaceton, Dunscore, Dumfries - planning application for change of use, alteration and extension to barn to form two dwellinghouses (block A), partial demolition and erection of three dwellinghouses (block B) with associated car parking and formation of access (renewal of planning permission previously approved under 10/P/3/0315) (13/P/3/0398)
10. 1.38pm: MOD observation post 50, Portpatrick - planning applications for erection of dwellinghouse with integral double garage and installation of septic tank and soakaway (13/P/1/0303)
11. 1.56pm: Mouldyhills, Canonbie - planning application for the erection of two polytunnels for agricultural use (13/P4/0341)
12. 2.14pm: Boundary cottage, New Abbey Road, Dumfries - planning application for the erection of dwellinghouse, formation of access, turning area and two car parking spaces (13/P/3/0329)
13. 2.46pm: 19 Whitesands, Dumfries - planning application for external alterations and change of use of first floor office and store to flat (13/P/3/0334)
14. 2.59pm: 1-4 Millhouse, Kingholm Quay, Dumfries -- planning application for the reinstatement and alterations to two abandoned dwellinghouses and two abandoned flatted dwellings (13/P/3/0404)
15. 3.10pm: Land south of Keswick place, Annan - planning application for the formation of one wildlife pond (retrospective) (13/P/4/0261)
16. 3.19pm: Langholm Academy, Thomas Telford Road, Langholm -- planning application for the formation of synthetic sports pitch, erection of six floodlighting columns (15M high) and 1.1 metre high spectator railings (amendment to planning permission 12/P/4/0107) (13/P/4/0340)
17. 3.23pm: Land adjacent to 1 Nunwood, Woodlands, Dumfries -- planning application for erection of dwellinghouse with integral garage and temporary siting of steel containers during construction (13/P/3/0011)
18. 3.23pm: Little Sypland, near Kirkcudbright -- planning application for erection of 1 wind turbine (50M high to hub, 74M high to blade tip) and formation of hardstanding, access track and associated transformer (12/P/2/0296)
19. 3.23pm: Any other business deemed urgent by the Chairman due to the need for a decision
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