Lightning storms on 8/14 and 8/14 across wide swaths of Northern California ignited over 80 new fires, several of which have grown large. This video discusses the potential for growth on the largest fires, looks at how fire history in each area affects the potential for major growth, and talks about other aspects of wildfire behavior and management.
The Lookout is an independent media company reporting on wildfire, forestry, land management, and rural culture. We are driven by a desire to help people understand how wildfires work, the strategies employed by people attempting to manage them, and the intersection of fire and culture. We are based in Chico, in Northern California. We are 100% user-supported. If you enjoy our content, check out and consider becoming a subscriber at
Fire Season Begins in NorCal
WildfireThe LookoutZeke LunderWildfire EducationFire EcologyFire ScienceCalifornia WildfiresCalifornia FiresUSFSCalFireFirefightersFirefightingFireNational ParksNational Park ServiceLassenPyrogeographyWildlandWildland FirePrescribed FireControlled BurnPrescribed BurnFire RehabClimateGlobal WarmingClimate changemegafirefloodingdisasterWeatherFires 2023NorCalCaliforniaBurningLogging