It’s tricky breeding egg scattering fish like barbs, danios, minnows and tetras because the parents will eat the eggs soon after spawning. In this video, I show you an easy way to save the eggs: with a breeder box. It’s screened in box that collects the eggs after spawning so they’re safe from the parents. In this video, I’ll explain how to build a breeder box and how to use it so you’ll get more fry.
Building a breeder box for spawning egg scattering fish
Breeding egg scattering fishBreeding egg laying fishBreeding barbsBreeding daniosBreeding minnowsBreeding white cloudsBreeding White Cloud Mountain minnowsBreeding tetrasegg laying fishBreeding tropical fishSpawning egg laying fishSpawning egg scattering fishSaving fish frysaving fish eggsspawningtetrabarbdaniobreeding fishbreeding egg layer fishWhite Cloud Mountain minnowsTanichthys albonubesBreeding cyprinidsBreeding aquarium fish