Watch as Karen Gillan, the actress behind the iconic character Nebula from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, undergoes an amazing transformation into the blue-skinned, bald-headed alien assassin! With stunning makeup and prosthetics, this behind-the-scenes footage showcases the incredible artistry that goes into bringing Nebula to life on screen. Don't miss this incredible #KarenGillan #Nebula #transformation #MCU #Marvel #makeup #prosthetics #behindthescenes #movie magic #aliens #badass #character #cosplay
Karen Gillan Nebula Transformation #GuardiansoftheGalaxy
Karen GillanKaren Gillan NebulaKaren Gillan Nebula TransformationNebulaNebula Transformationkaren gillan nebula transformationkaren gillanguardians of the galaxynebulakaren gillan nebulanebula transformationguardians of the galaxy vol. 2karen gillan nebula makeupnebula behind the scenesnebula makeupkaren gillan shaved headmcukaren gillan interviewavengersnebula makeup transformationbehind the scenesguardians of the galaxy behind the scenes