Former Narcotics Control Bureau officer Sameer Wankhede, who has been accused of attempting to extort Rs 25 crore from Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan to secure the release of his son Aryan Khan in a drugs case, has produced WhatsApp conversations that he purportedly had with the superstar to prove his innocence. Wankhede has attached a string of messages he claimed he exchanged with Shah Rukh Khan in a petition he filed in a court in response to the case against him. In 2021, Sameer Wankhede led an NCB team on a drugs raid during which the agency arrested Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan and accused him of possessing and consuming drugs.
#sharukhkhan #aryankhan #sameerwankhede #akshitanandagopal #6pmprime
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