The British Curry Awards, currently in its 18th year referred to as the British Curry 'Oscars' by the Prime Minister, is firmly established as the largest and coveted event in the hospitality industry, drawing more than 1800 of the most influential and successful restauranteurs, business owner’s and decision makers in Britain every year.
The ethos behind the event is to inspire the next generation, and elevate the British Curry industry on the national and international stage. Over 18 years, these Awards have played a pivotal role in enhancing the perception of Indian Cuisine on the international scene. We are proud to say we have achieved this and much more, exceeding all expectations by raising standards and heightening the profile of the British Curry Industry throughout the world. As an event which is televised and broadcast internationally, we are now achieving total global viewing and listening figures of nearly half a billion people, as recently audited by ITN broadcasting.
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