"Married...with Children" made several attempts at spinoffs over its 11 season run. In episode #2 of "Behind the Backdoor Pilot," we take a look at "Top of the Heap," the backdoor pilot episode of "Married...with Children" that scored a short-lived FOX sitcom spinoff starring Matt LeBlanc. Plus, "Married...with Children"'s other failed spinoff attempts, a "Friends" knockoff featuring Alan Thicke and a college radio show comedy centered around Bud's girlfriend April (played by Keri Russell).
Narrated by Kevin Maher
Written by Nick Nadel, Kevin Maher and Mike Schuster
Edited by Mike Schuster
Produced by Nick Nadel and Kevin Maher
Executive Produced by Tim Finn
Thumbnail by Colton Ogburn ([ Ссылка ])
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