The DigiCulture Erasmus+ Youth Exchange program, hosted by Turkey, is being held in Ankara from November 8-18, 2024. Participants from five countries—Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Austria—are taking part, with six participants from each country, totaling around 30 people.
We began the first day with self-introductions and then engaged in interactive name games with the participants. During the opening session, we introduced the project and outlined the program. After a lunch break, we collaboratively set the project and hotel rules. We created “expectations” and “fears” trees, where participants wrote down their hopes and concerns. For our "secret friends" activity, which will last until the end of the project, we drew ourselves and placed our envelopes on the secret friend wall, explaining key points. After dinner, during the NGO market, we presented the organizations from our respective countries.
Overall, it was a day full of engaging activities and fun. Stay tuned, as we’re excited for the days to come!
#Erasmus+ #Youthexchange #culturalchange #Digiculture #Oyuncakmüzesi #Firstdayoftheproject
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