I called a psychic on craigslist who is clearly a con-artist. She 'charged' me $400 for the most bogus advice ever. This is a classic prank that I've gotten SO many requests to animate, so excited to finally have this up and shared with you guys! Please remember to support the video by sharing it with your friends and giving it a big thumbs up!
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Produced in part by these wonderful supporters:
Ahmed Al M, Crashintoboxes, Mohammed, Cody W, Mohmmad Al-G, Nicolas P, Eric K, Gabriel M, Jason, Khalid, Abdulaziz A, David R, Marco T, Olivia M
Ownage Pranks is a channel devoted to prank calls. With over nine misfit characters voiced by one comedian, Ownage Pranks brings you a weekly dose of unscripted and improvised pranks that are sure to make you fall out of your seat laughing. What began as a hobby to entertain friends in 2004 has since evolved into the most subscribed prank call channel on YouTube! Join the OP Crew by subscribing and tune in every week to catch our hilarious, wild and outrageous pranks!
Asian Calls a Psychic Prank (ANIMATED) - Ownage Pranks
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