September 1, 2019 - Classic harvest day in Espelo, harvesting a field of maize with oldtimer machinery.
- Deutz D8006 tractor with John Deere 2-row forage harvester.
- International 633 tractor with Schuitemaker UTW 440 forage wagon.
- John Deere 3020 tractor with John Deere 1-row forage harvester.
- International 533 tractor with Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Massey Ferguson 165 tractor with Landsberg 1-row forage harvester.
- Renault 89 tractor with Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Steyr 658 tractor with PZ 1-row forage harvester.
- Fordson Major tractor with Schuitemaker UTW 440 forage wagon.
- International 1246 tractor with PZ MH 160 2-row forage harvester.
- Same Atlanta 45 tractor with Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Massey Ferguson 152 tractor with Kemper Maiswolf 1-row forage harvester and Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Ford 5600 tractor with Krone 1-row forage harvester and Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Ford 5000 tractor with New Holland 708 1-row forage harvester and Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Fendt Farmer 102S tractor with Hesston 7020 1-row forage harvester and Schuitemaker UTW 440 forage wagon.
- Zetor 2511 tractor with John Deere 112 forage trailer.
- New Holland 1880 forage harvester with 3-row harvesting header and Veenhuis forage wagon.
- International 706 tractor with Schuitemaker UTW 440 forage wagon.
- Deutz D4006 tractor with Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- Ford 4000 tractor with Schuitemaker UTW 440 forage wagon.
- International 423 tractor with Schuitemaker forage wagon.
- John Deere 4020 tractor with maize-leveller.
- David Brown 990 tractor with Schuitemaker UTW 440 forage wagon.
- Atlas 140W mobile excavator with bucket.
- John Deere 7430 tractor with Schuitemaker Siwa 720 forage wagon.
- Case IH Puma 200 tractor with Krone TX forage wagon.
- International 1026 tractor with Gehl 400 1-row forage harvester.
Classic harvesting Espelo 2019! (2/2)
EspelopeekaastrekkerwebtractorspotteragrifotoTwenteJohn DeereFendtMassey FergusonNew HollandFordDeutz-FahrDeutzClaasRenaultKronePöttingerSchuitemakerhäckslerforage harvesterhakselaarsilagewagensilierwagenforage trailerCase IHInternationalSteyrValtraDavid BrownBrunsJFFeraboliPZMengeleJaguarVeenhuisStrautmannValmetVolvo BMLanzHesstonFarmhandFox