Many banks are getting away with charging illegal overdraft fees! You can learn more here: [ Ссылка ]
Many banks are violating consumer rights be charging illegal overdraft fees. They are doing this be re-ordering your transactions to get the highest amount of overdrafted transactions as possible.
How is this happening? Well, let's say you have $100 in your account and you spend $10 for breakfast, $20 at lunch, and then $110 at night. The bank will reorder your transactions so the $110 comes out first, then the other two. Then the bank will charge you an overdraft fee for all 3 transactions! This is wrong!! There are many banks under investigation and involved in Lawsuits, including TD Bank in Massachusetts.
The consumer protection lawyers at Jones Ward PLC help people across the country fight back against big business. They have worked on similar class action lawsuits against banks who are charging fees that they shouldn't be charging.
If you have been charged an illegal overdraft fee, contact the lawyers at Jones Ward PLC by calling toll free at 1-888-595-2922 or email Partner Jasper Ward directly at
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