"Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau" for Sega Master System is a video game released exclusively in Brazil in 1996, and is based on the popular animated series "Woody Woodpecker" (known as "Pica-Pau" in Brazil). Developed and published by Tectoy, it offers a platforming experience featuring the mischievous bird, Woody Woodpecker.
In the game, players control Woody Woodpecker through various stages like straightforward platforming to boat rides, barrel escapades, and ski lift adventures, all while dodging enemies, attacking foes, collecting items and facing bosses. The game does a commendable job offering variety here.
Visually, the color palette is vibrant, though additional details would have been better. Where it all falls apart are the horrible controls. The primary challenge arises from Woody's cumbersome movements where even navigating simple platforms are troublesome, where slightest misstep ends badly, and simple enemies becomes a challenge because of the lack of precision from movements.
"Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau" has colorful graphics and variety in its levels and gameplay. The levels are poorly designed though, and with the horrible controls, which are essential for a game like this, the game is too flawed to be recommended to anyone.
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