The game features an updated game engine with new graphical effects, an updated Ace Striker system where players now choose from several before the match begins, similar to fighting games, and a new to the series power-up system, known as the Special Menu.
At certain times in the match, before the ball is in play, players can use Units to purchase a special power-up that gives them an advantage including the ability to score outright.
Players start with 2 Units on each start/continue, and can purchase additional Units with real money, 3 Units for the first purchase, 4 Units for each additional purchase.
This system uses its own dedicated button (the C button) to bring up the menu, select a power-up, and use it. This system can be disabled by arcade operators.
Super Dash (1 Unit)
Super Sliding (1 Unit)
Over Run (2 Units)
Super Guard (2 Units)
Banana Shoot (3 Units)
Super Shoot (4 Units)
Hyper Shoot (6 Units)
Similar to the predecessor, regions of the game have a different assortment of teams. In addition to the standard teams, most games include a fantasy "MAX" team that serves as a powered-up final boss for both '93 versions.
Taito Cup Finals Arcade
Taito Cup Finals ArcadeTaito Cup FinalsTaitotaitoItalyitalyCupcupFinalsfinalsArcade Taito Cup Finalstaito cup finalstaito cup finals arcadeTaito Cup Finals Taito ArcadeTaito Cup Finals Arcade Taitotaito cup finals arcade taitoTaito Cup Finals ItalyTaito Cup Finals Italy Arcadearcade taito cup finalstaito cup finals italytaito cup finals italy arcadecup finalstaito cuptaito cup arcadecup taito finalscup taito arcadeTCFtcfcup taito