You have no idea how useful it is to carry around an operating system on a flash drive. It basically allows you to turn any computer into your computer. Simply by plugging in your flash drive and restarting any computer, you get your own operating system, your own files, your own apps, on that computer, and you can bypass any restrictions or time limits or any nonsense put in place on that computer because the computer is running completely off your flash drive. So how do we make this happen?
Download Remix OS: [ Ссылка ]
Download Win32 Disk Imager: [ Ссылка ]
[Windows 10, 8] How to choose boot device: [ Ссылка ]
[Windows 7, Vista, XP] How to choose boot device: [ Ссылка ]
[Other operating systems] How to choose boot device: [ Ссылка ]
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Many thanks to Joakim Karud for providing the incredible music used in this video. Check him out: [ Ссылка ]
Video Summary: If you've ever wanted to create a bootable USB flash drive, which may also be referred to as a bootable USB thumb drive or a bootable USB stick, this video should definitely help. This video essentially explains how to install Android on your computer: the portable operating system that is being installed on the portable operating system bootable flash drive is Remix OS (RemixOS). Remix OS is a Linux distribution based off Android Marshmallow. The portable bootable flash drive created in this video could be referred to as a bootable Linux flash drive or a bootable Android flash drive. If you'd like to see a video covering how to create a bootable Windows flash drive, drop a like down below.