#irerê #paturi #whitefacedwhistlingduck #dendrocygnaviduata #anseriformes #anatidae #marreca #mallards #wildducks #patossilvestres #swampsounds #planetavivo #aveslivres #worldwild #worldbirds #worldwildlife #anseriformesaroundtheworld #anatidaearoundtheworld #wildlifeshow #wildducksaroundtheworld #beautifulducksaroundtheworld #worldducks #mundodasaves #universodasaves #dendrocygna #freedomispriceless #liberdadenãotempreço #faunapantaneira #pantaneiros #mallardsaroundtheworld #universeofbirds #ducksuniverse #universeofducks
White-faced Whistling-Duck. Scientífic name: Dendrocygna viduata, Brazilian name: Irerê. Class: Birds, Order: Anseriformes, Family Anatidae. Feeding: Basically submerged plants and grasses on the shores of lakes, but also eats aquatic invertebrates, small fish and tadpoles. In agricultural regions (rice cultivation), it feeds on the grains of this cereal that were lost in the stubble. Geographical Distribution: Occurs throughout Brazil. It also occurs from Texas to Bolivia and Argentina, Africa, Madagascar and the Comoros Islands.
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