Shensa, the mother of two children, lives in difficult conditions. He is looking for a better life with two orphaned girls named Fatima and Niayesh and a boy and a girl named Omid and Khatun. Ava, their infant daughter, lives in an orphanage because she doesn't have a home, and it's very painful for Shensa.
Today was a special day for this family. An operator who helps families in need has brought winter clothes for Shensa and her two orphaned daughters. These clothes not only provided their basic needs, but also gave them hope for a better future.
Shensa managed to buy 100 blocks with the help of viewers and supporters. which made this homeless family happy.
Their kind neighbor Mohammad also helped Shensa in this way and together they went to the market to buy blocks to build a small house for Shensa and her children. This cooperation and empathy shows the high spirit of the community, which strives to improve each other's condition.
Meanwhile, Shensa's son Omid remembered a local nomadic game with a creative idea and started playing with his sisters. These happy moments made Fatima and Niayesh happy and gave them hope and motivation to continue living.
Shansa's life with all the challenges and hardships is an example of trying and standing against problems. He fights with love and sacrifice for his children and seeks to build a brighter future for them with the support of society.
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#nomadic_life #Village_life #Nomadic_Shansa #Shansa #homeless #Homeless_family #Nomadic_homeless #The_effort_and_determination_of_Shansa #survival #strong_woman #Resilient_Mother #woman #Hardship #Nomadic_single_mother #single_mother #Nomadic_lifestyle
#orphan_girls #kindness
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