#manishkashyap #manishkashyapnews,shyap news today,manish kashyap news live,manish kashyap viral video,manish kashyap arrested,manish kashyap bihar migrants,manish kashyap tamilnadu video,headlines news,news today,times of india,morning news,times news,toi,news,india,viral news,viral video,breaking news today,toi news today,daily news,india news,breaking news,latest,happy India,happy bihar Manish KasHyAP, A BiHAR-bAsed YOUTUber, Has SURRendERed to
AuTHoRities AfTeR sHarinG boqus recordings of claimed AtTacks
ON MiGRANTS in TaMil Nadu. THe films spARked widespReAd TERROR
ANd fEAR AMONG MiGRANT WORkers, pRompriNg AutHoRities to look
inTO THEiR VEracity. SinCe then, the YouTuber Has acknowledged
TO MAkinG ANd uploading tHe fraudulent films, and he Has bEen
CHARGEd wirk spReadinG fAlse MaeRiAl and inciting CoM
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