What is the physiology of wound healing and how do wounds heal?
What are the phases of wound healing?
What are the important cells involved in wound healing?
How strong are wounds at different time points in healing?
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Welcome back friends! I"m excited that you're joining us for the discussion today on wound healing.
By the end of this video you should be pretty comfortable understanding the phases of wound healing, the predominant cell types at each phase and the important events throughout the wound healing cycle.
Time travel through the video with these AWESOME timestamps
Start 00:00
References for today's talk 01:24
Phases of Wound Healing 02:54
Inflammatory Phase of Wound Healing 05:01
Neutrophils and Wound Healing 07:41
Macrophages and Wound Healing 08:18
Proliferative Phase of Wound Healing 11:17
Fibroblasts and Wound Healing 11:45
Collagen and Wound Healing 13:34
Remodeling Phase of Wound Healing 14:30
What is Scar? 15:50
Tensile Strength and Wounds 16:42
Growth Factors and Wounds 17:34
Sabiston's Textbook of Surgery [ Ссылка ]
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Atomic Habits by James Clear - [ Ссылка ]
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I'm Dr. Erik Pearson, FACS and I am a board certified pediatric surgeon living in Las Vegas. I make surgical education videos on all topics in general surgery as well as talks on lifestyle design as a surgeon, book reviews, and studying effectively. I also write a weekly newsletter called the Saturday Six where I identify Six different discoveries of the week. You can get the weekly newsletter by signing up to the CITIZENSURGEON Community!
While my aim is to help educate you for the ward, the surgical ICU, the operating room and your exams remember these videos are not a replacement for your reading, your medical school and residency preparation and most important your own decision making. Good luck and enjoy!
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Wound Healing - Everything You Need to Know
citizensurgeonErik PearsonsurgeryeducationmedicalWOUND HEALINGwound healing phasescells in wound healingneutrophilsfibroblaststensile strength of a woundcollage and woundscollagetype 1 collageninflammatory phaseproliferative phaseremodeling phasesurgery tutorialsurgery lecturewound healing tutorialwound healing lecturesurgical woundsUSMLEABSITEMCATpremed