An engaging Q&A session between HIC members and Dr. Paul Achleitner, moderated by Lionne Schuette and taking place at the University of St. Gallen SQUARE Building.
0:00 Introduction
1:20 HSG and new SQUARE Building
7:06 Dr. Paul Achleitner's Career
15:10 What would you have pursued if you did not join Bain & Co?
19:04 What were the main factors that made you switch from Bain to Goldman Sachs?
21:35 Why did you go from GS to Allianz?
25:30 What was a mistake/experience that you learned the most from?
27:44 What is it that you "burn for" and what kept you in the industry?
32:08 Role of Government Regulation in Financial Sector
41:08 Would you say there is a governance issue on German boards? Will you go into politics?
47:44 What is your take on the future of banking in regards to the regulatory environment and low interest rates?
53:02 Do you think southern countries can handle rising interest rates?
55:30 Conclusion
HIC Q&A with Dr. Paul Achleitner, Chairman of Deutsche Bank
paulachleitnerguestspeakerdeutschebankdeutsche bankgoldmansachsgoldman sachsHICQ&AwithDr. Paul AchleitnerPaul AchleitnerHSGUniversity of St. Gallenst. gallenswitzerlandbankinginvestment bankingallianzfinanceSQUAREnew buildingHelvetian Investment ClubHelvetianInvestmentClubattheUniversitySt. gallenPaulpaul achleitnerdeutschlandfinanzwirtschaftbankerexecutiveq&aalumnusalumnimanagementleaderspeecheventleadershipinspirational