Playwright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps. Playwright is an open-source automation library for browser testing and web scraping developed by Microsoft and launched on 31 January 2020, which has since become popular among programmers and web developers. Playwright provides the ability to automate browser tasks in Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API
🔥 Playwright Automation GitHub - [ Ссылка ]
🔥 Playwright API Testing GitHub - [ Ссылка ]
🔥 Playwright with D365 CRM GitHub - [ Ссылка ]
🔥 Playwright Documentation - [ Ссылка ]
** FREE YouTube Full Courses **
🔊 Playwright Automation Tutorial Full Course - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Playwright API Testing Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Playwright with Azure DevOps - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Playwright tutorial for beginners - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Cypress Tutorial Full Course - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 JavaScript Tutorial Full Course - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 API Testing Tutorial Full Course - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Rest Assured API Testing Tutorial Full Course - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Postman Tutorial Full Course - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Specflow Selenium C# Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Selenium C# .NET NUnit Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 EasyRepro Framework D365 CRM Testing Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Selenium GRID Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Appium Mobile App Automation Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Appium Selenium GRID Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Data Driven Framework Tutorial - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Cucumber BDD Framework Tutorial Part1 - [ Ссылка ]
🔊 Cucumber BDD Framework Tutorial Part2 - [ Ссылка ]
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Testing Microsoft D365 CRM App. with Playwright
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