#bpl #vrabac #vrabacN #bespilotnaletelica #dron #drone #uav #ucav #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #rv #airforce #serbianairforce #sparrow #vojska #armija #naoružanje #armament #weapons #military #army
The new version of the unmanned aerial vehicle "Vrabac", which represents the armed variant, will soon be introduced into the armament of the units of the Serbian Armed Forces under the designation "Vrabac-N".
Namely, as stated in the Military Technical Institute from Žarkov, the armed version of the unmanned aerial vehicle "Vrabac-N" should be introduced into the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces already in September of this year.
This drone uses a set of four PFT/K M22 40mm grenades.
Nova verzija bespilotne letelice "Vrabac" koja predstavlja naoružanu varijantu uskoro uvodi u naoružanje jedinica Vojske Srbije pod oznakom "Vrabac-N".
Naime, kako izjavljuju u Vojnotehničkom institutu iz Žarkova naoružana verzija bespilotne letelice "Vrabac-N" bi u naoružanje Vojske Srbije trebala da se uvede već u septembru ove godine.
Ova bespilotna letelica koristiti komplet od četiri granate PFT/K M22 kalibra 40mm.
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