This work is made available by Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) under the terms of a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Role clarification and negotiation is one of six key competencies outlined in the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative Competency Framework for Advancing Collaboration (CIHC, 2024), which describes the competencies required for effective interprofessional collaboration in healthcare.
This video is one of six created to provide learners with a patient-centered approach to understanding some health professions roles. The case study profiles a patient story, and offers perspectives from various health professionals who contributed to their care. The videos are meant to be used as part of an interprofessional education learning activity and when run as such, the learning objectives include:
1. Explore own profession’s role, scope and ethical considerations of practice in the healthcare team or other contexts.
2. Seek to understand the roles, scopes and ethical considerations of interprofessional team members, including the patient, client, family and/or community.
3. Identify potential overlaps, complements and gaps within the interprofessional team.
4. Explore real and perceived power imbalances between and within professions, based on professional stereotypes and historical hierarchies in healthcare.
5.Respect the diversity of other professional roles, responsibilities and competencies.
6.Demonstrate commitment and respect for learning about other disciplines’ roles, perspective, and challenges.
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