in 7.33 Reactive Armor can be activated to get max stacks and 200.0 damage barrier. Grants Timbersaw 100.0 + 75.0 barrier amount per second for each enemy hero within 600.0 radius of Timbersaw up to a maximum of 800.0. After 8.0 seconds, Timbersaw deals damage to every hero within 600.0 radius equal to 200.0 + his remaining barrier amount and loses all of his barrier.
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#DOTA2 #AbilityDraft #Xmark
Hey guys, X-Mark here. The whole channel idea is to show you some good and sick ability draft builds and games. That's it. I just like to share with you something i found interesting and funny to play. I'm not that funny or creative. I love Ability Draft and want it to live long and stay cool.
7.33 Reactive Armor AGH'S + Mars AGH'S = Ultra tank
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