Hazrat Muhammad ki wiladat ka waqia Birth
of prophet Muhammad | 12 rabi ul awwal |
Amber Voice#prophetmuhammadstories
The year Prophet Muhammad was born, about fifty
days before his birth, Abraha, the king of Yemen
attacked Kabah to destroy it. Lady Amina bint Wahhab,
the blessed mother of the Prophet , saw a vision in
her dream that a light came out of her, when she was
pregnant, that lit the land as far north as Syria. She was
also told in her dream that she was pregnant with the
master of this nation and the sign of that would be that
when she gives birth to him she would see a light
coming out with him that would shine over Bosra in
Syria. "When this happens", she was told, "call him
Muhammad!" Thus indicating the spread of Islam in
entire Syrian lands. When our dearest Prophet
Muhammad was born, one of the major places of
their worship where a huge bon of fire was lit for 1000
years immediately extinguished. on the blessed night of
his birth, idols within the Ka'ba toppled over that stunned#ambervoice
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