The Best Way To Anyone's Heart Is Though Their Stomach, or so my Grandpa always said! Just a foodie sharing the love.
My mom was a chef and I have always enjoyed the quality of good food, but better yet when it comes at a frugal price! My mom was an amazing cook and as a toddler I joined her in the kitchen. She rarely followed a recipe, but I learned so much through the years and cook the same way.
Good Homestyle cooking. More of a Pennsylvania Dutch, German, Southern mix. She had lots of hacks and ways to make tons of dishes re-using leftovers to freshen them up for a new dish!
Mom's favorite place was always in the kitchen. Mine was anywhere she was... except if she couldn't find me and the salt shaker was missing she knew I was sitting in the middle of the tomato patch just eating tomatoes from the vine. LOL
Feel free to comment any suggestions and we will be more than happy to try them out and give a review.
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