Electro-Gen is the industry's most durable electric thermal fogger that designed to work indoors. The Electro-Gen is a versatile odor control application tool that produces a true "dry fog" with a particle size similar to that found in smoke- allowing for deep, thorough penetration virtually eliminating the drips and streaks associated with conventional misters and foggers. For additional information please visit our website at www.prorestoreproducts.com or call us toll free at 1-800-332-6037.
Quick Cuts: Electro-Gen Thermal Fogger
ProRestoreLegend BrandsMicrobanODORxUnsmokedeodorizedisinfectcleanprotectremediationrestorationodor controlodorspet odorcleanercleaningmoldmildewinfectionHVACwater damagesanitizerodor removalfiresmokedisinfectantsewagetobaccotrauma scenegermicidalantimicrobialbed bugsinsectinfestationductcarpetburnhospitalfungicidevirucidemildewstatbacteriaElectro GenElectroGen