Inkscape’s Trace Bitmap function makes creating a vector portrait from a photo quick and simple. In this video I’ll show you how to get the effect you want, I’ll cover how to smooth the contour of your tracings with a simple trick and I’ll show you how to trace different elements of your photo separately to ensure you get the colours you are looking for.
When converting a photo to a vector portrait in Inkscape, there are numerous controls you can use to get the look you want, but sometimes you need to know some additional tricks: I’ll be demonstrating how to use the Bezier tool and clipping to isolate sections of your image, I show how you can make Trace Bitmap only look at the part of the image that you want to be traced, using Make a Bitmap Copy.
In addition to creating a vector portrait, I show you how to set up your workspace so that your Command Bar is at the top like mine and how to set the resolution of the Make Bitmap Copy function.
In this tutorial, I’m using the latest version of Inkscape – Inkscape 1.2.2
A little bit of knowledge can go a long way.
Follow along with ‘Create For Free’ to create your own artwork – for Cricut, print on demand goods, low content publishing, T-shirt designs, etc.
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#createforfree #inkscape #vectorportrait
Intro Music: Find Your Way Beat - Nana Kwabena
Inkscape logo by Andrew Michael Fitzsimon
Vector Portrait Inkscape
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