Toronto General Hospital and Peter Munk Cardiac Centre cardiologist, Dr. Heather Ross, climbs mountains to raise money and awareness for organ transplantation and cardiac research. This is how Dr. Ross tests her limits -- but her patients are testing their limits every day.
Amy's story is the second in a three-part video series about how Dr. Ross’ patients challenge themselves and beat the odds – every day.
TYL Campaign -- A one-of-a-kind marathon
Test Your LimitsAmy MathersAmy's Marathon of BooksHeart (Anatomical Structure)Heart Transplantation (Medical Treatment)Liver Transplantation (Medical Treatment)Muscular Dystrophy (Disease Or Medical Condition)Peter Munk Cardiac CentreUniversity Health Network (Hospital)UHNPMCCOrgan DonationTrillium Gift of Life AssociationCardiology (Medical Specialty)Dr. Heather RossBhutanMedicine (Field Of Study)Marathon (Sport)heartliver